
Canberra Travel Talk

Why Travel is Important & What Travel has Taught Me

The Essentials You Need in Your Moving Day Survival Kit

Hello guys! In my last move, I was repeatedly told about the SURVIVAL KIT by all my friends and family. But to my amusement, nobody had all the correct information about what all to include in this kit. There were all assumptions and self-made rules for making this survival box, and I could not rely on them a hundred per cent.
So, I decided to search for it myself and find out about how this kit can help me on my first day after the move and what all should e include in this box which will be the first one to be opened in the new house. I was fortunate enough to find all the information in one place, ie an article by a renowned moving company in Canberra. I am sharing this article with you all to help you out. Here we go!

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